Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to the Garden

As a child I was loathe to make contact with anything that had more than 4 legs. My parents would try and try to get me out in the garden and I'd come up with any excuse not to do it because simply, bugs grossed me out. As an adult I have long gotten over my antipathy toward crawling things (well mostly gotten over it) and have made numerous attempts to grow things but apparently I spent so many years thwarting gardens my payback was that anything I tried to plant died a slow and agonizing death.

I am formally thumbing my nose to my gardening history and affirming that this is the year. With my little one turning 4 in September the time has come to grow some of our own food.

We ordered raised cedar beds from Naturalyards in Southern Oregon and with a friend who designs gardens for a living, on the nastiest and windiest day in a month, we got them set up and fully planted. As we start to harvest the veggies (knock on wood) the plan will be to add recipes to the blog that include our fresh, home grown veggies. I may even take a stab at canning if I can get someone to convince me I'm not going to give my family botulism.

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