Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Recipe: Green Bean 'French Fries'

We were doing a detox a few months back and I was looking for some new simple recipes. I came across a recipe for roasted green beans, which I adapted to the following and called Green Bean 'French Fries'- my 2 year old loves them!

1 pound green beans
1.5 TBS olive oil
3 garlic cloves- crushed
truffle salt (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Cut or pick off end of green beans, wash, and lay out on a dish towel to air dry for a little bit.
3. Mix olive oil and crushed garlic in small bowl.
4. Put green beans into a plastic bag (ziploc is easiest, produce bag will work), pour in oil/garlic mixture, sprinkle with desired amount of salt (less salt if you plan on adding truffle salt, see #7), shake bag to coat beans.
5. Arrange single layer on baking sheets and place in oven.
6. Cook for appx 20 minutes or until the beans are slightly browned in areas, turning with spatula a few times during cooking.
7. If desired sprinkle with a little bit of truffle salt for a gourmet touch.

In Health,
Dr Samantha

1 comment:

K Marie Tyler said...

ok - this looks yummy but what the heck is truffle salt and where do I find it? Cool site Dr. Sam!!