Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So, what's the deal with statins?

Statin drugs (such as Lipitor) are becoming more and more popular every year. A February 2008 article in the Washington Post notes that in 2007 Pfizer made a profit of 12.7 billion dollars from sales of Lipitor, only one of about 6 statin medications on the market at the time. With a recent study showing that the medication can lower cardio CRP (an inflammatory marker that is associated with heart attack) there is another wave of this medication hitting the prescription rolls of many medical doctors.

It is certainly clear that statin drugs do decrease cholesterol levels but as a naturopath I wonder are these medications really the best approach in all cases? If a person has made lifestyle choices that have led to increased cholesterol and increased inflammation, will taking a medication fix the underlying issue? Clearly the answer is no. So, when is it preferable to alter blood levels of cholesterol and cardio CRP with diet, exercise and nutritional supplements? In my opinion, it is preferable in every case, as long as levels can be dropped enough to satisfy me, my patients, and their cardiologists. I have had only a handful of patients in 12 years (who were willing to make the recommended changes) that have not been able to do this. And, in all of those cases the patients either had a history of stroke or MI and the patient's cardiologist wanted the levels far below 'normal', or their physician simply wanted them on a statin drug independent of what levels were able to be reached with a naturopathic approach.

But this is not for the faint of heart (so to speak.) I can lead someone through the changes that are necessary to lower cholesterol 10, 20, 50, even 100 points in some cases, but it means addressing lifestyle and diet well beyond avoiding saturated fat and going for a walk 20 minutes 3 times a week.

But the good news is you'll feel more energy, a greater sense of well being, address many of the other health issues you're experiencing, and still be able to enjoy that delicious 3 egg omelet...

Here are a few recent articles of interest that question the rush to statins.
New York Times: A Call for Caution in the Rush to Statins.
New York Times: Do Statins Make You Stupid?
Business Week: Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good?
New York Times: WELL; Great Drug, but Does It Prolong Life?

In Health,
Dr. Samantha

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