Friday, May 1, 2009

Recipe: Breakfast Pizza- Wheat and Dairy free.

We love breakfast foods at our house. I'd say that on any given week you'll see breakfast for dinner at least once (and cereal for snack? I won't even try to count.)

Last week we had a of my boys wanted 'pizza' for dinner and the other wanted eggs. Thus the birth of our new favorite dinner: Breakfast Pizza.

Ingredients (we doubled it and made 2 so my son could take it for lunch all week.)
1. Whole grain pizza crust. We like Graindance frozen spelt pizza crust- it has gluten, but no wheat. You could also use a frozen rice pizza crust or a homemade pizza crust if you are gluten free.
2. 6 eggs. I recommend omega-3 fed free range eggs.
3. Half of a bag of frozen spinach or a few cups of fresh spinach with large stems removed.
4. 1 onion chopped.
5. 3 cloves of garlic pressed or minced. Trader Joes has frozen 'garlic cubes' that we keep on hand in case we don't have fresh available.
6. Olive oil.
7. Sun dried or fresh tomatoes. If you use fresh, remove the goopy part.
8. 3-4 sliced of precooked turkey, veggie, or regular bacon chopped (optional, we happened to have cooked bacon in the fridge when I made this.)

Preheat oven to temp recommended with your pre-cooked pizza crust

In saute pan, saute onions and garlic in olive oil. We like to use lots of olive oil and cook them slowly so the onions are a bit sweet, but as long as the onions are soft when you're done, it's all good.

Add spinach and tomatoes and cook until soft, mixed and aromatic.

Beat eggs with a fork and pour into the veggie mixture until just barely cooked/still a little wet.

Put all of this on top of the pizza, sprinkle bacon on top, and bake for about 10 minutes or crust is browned and eggs are set.

Serve hot, or not.

1 comment:

Dana said...

This is great! Thanks for the recipe.